Please take your time providing your thoughtful opinion for the listed categories. The TWIPY Committee has gone through significant measures to identify fraudulent voting and will be reviewing each vote.
For each category, you can choose your top three choices if you wish. Your votes count as three points for your 1st choice, two points for 2nd choice, and one point for third choice. Any duplicate choices in the same category will be ignored (i.e. voting for the same streamer for first, second, and third choice will only count them for the first choice). You are not required to fill in each choice. (Why ranked choice voting?)
You are not required to select an answer in every category. If you are not familiar with the nominees then feel free to skip it.
Please note: You are allowed one vote per email address. If you change your mind and would like to change your vote, simply vote a second time and we will keep the most recent vote. Make sure to vote for all categories in your final vote – all previous votes will be deleted!
Voting open through midnight Eastern on Jan 31st.
— Thanks from the TWIPY Committee —