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LIVE SHOW: Saturday Night at the Texas Pinball Festival

LIVE show.  Hosts Zach and Greg from Straight Down the Middle.  Guests presenters.  Acceptance speeches.  Cash bar.  Streamed live on Twitch.  Don’t miss it.

The Categories


Best Animations and Display

Best Lightshow

Best Theme

Best Toys and Gimmicks

Best Theme Integration

Best Music and Sound Effects

Best Callouts

Best Rules

Best Playfield Gameplay and Layout

Best Artwork

Game of the Year



Favorite Mod of 2018

Favorite Pinball YouTube Channel

Favorite Pinball Twitch Streamer

Favorite Pinball Podcast

Favorite Home Brew Pinball Machine

Favorite Location Pinball

Favorite Pinball Convention

Favorite Pinball Tournament

Rookie of the Year


Please note: these are SUBJECT TO CHANGE – more categories may be added, and descriptions will be added for when voting opens

The Game Nominees

Alice Cooper’s Nightmare Castle (Spooky Pinball)

The Beatles (Stern Pinball/Ka-Pow Pinball)

Cosmic Cart Racing (Multimorphic)

Deadpool (Stern Pinball)

Houdini (American Pinball)

Iron Maiden (Stern Pinball)

Monster Bash Remake (Chicago Gaming Company)*

Pirates of the Caribbean (Jersey Jack Pinball)

Mafia (Team Pinball)

Primus (Stern Pinball Contract Game)

Supreme (Stern Pinball Contract Game)

Thunderbirds (Homepin)

*eligible for certain categories

Please note: these are SUBJECT TO CHANGE

TWIPY Committee

We have developed a TWIPY Committee comprised of Lloyd Olsen, Steve Bowden, Colin MacAlpine, William Oetting, Zach Meny, Greg Bone, and Jeff Patterson.  The Committee will be responsible for determining game eligibility and categories, show and schedule coordination, and most importantly, maintaining the integrity of the voting process through a new online secure voting process, and helping review and validate results.


— LIVE AWARDS SHOW 3.23.19 —


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