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The TWIPY voting period will be the same last year – the month of January.  This year though, instead of doing write-in votes for categories such as favorite streamers, podcasters, mods, etc., we are going to have options in a dropdown for voters to choose from.  This will provide voters with a better voting experience and save time in February for the Committee as we are getting the show planned and scheduled.

PRE-VOTING for the TWIPYs starts today and runs through Thursday, December 12th.  These will be write-in votes, and they will determine the drop down selections for the January voting.  The number of drop down selections will vary by category and determined by the TWIPY Committee.

WRITE-INS Categories

Favorite Pinball Streamer

Favorite Pinball Podcast

Favorite Pinball YouTube Channel

Favorite Pinball Mod of 2019 (Only mods initially shipped in 2019.)

Favorite Home Brew Pinball Machine (First presentation of the machine to the public must have been done in 2019.)

Rookie of the Year (Including but not limited to new designers, artists, and coders.)

Favorite Competitive Pinball Player (Must be registered in IFPA.)

Favorite Pinball Website

Favorite Pinball Publication, Writer, or Article (Writer voting not combined, but each publication piece eligible)

Favorite Pinball Location (Please specify the name, city, and state of the location.)

Favorite Pinball Convention

Favorite Pinball Tournament/Competition

Favorite Pinball League (Please specify the name, city, and state of the league.)

Favorite Pinball Topper of 2019 (Must have started shipping in 2019.)